Stations of the Cross

View all 14 Stations.
For twenty-five years, the 5th grade students and teachers of St. Croix Catholic School have had the privilege of performing and praying a special Stations of the Cross for their parents and the school.  Involving stage skills, acting, and narration, the Silhouette Stations are a powerful way for the 5th graders to enter in to the wonder of Christ’s love through His Passion.  For weeks before the performance, the students practice posing as silhouettes of each station.  They also learn to be the music team singing between each station, the costume team, and to work as the tech assistance to move props and change scenes for each other.  The teachers also reflect on the Stations and encourage the students to focus and develop the spiritual aspect of this gift by praying for the school.  This deepens the experience of Lent for both the students and the teachers as the students are able to connect to Jesus on a deeper and more personal level.  Acting in the Silhouette Stations is a beautiful experience for everyone involved and the teachers feel extremely honored to facilitate an opportunity for the students to work together to grow closer to Christ while entering in to the Paschal Mystery with the school.