Athletics Overview

Mr. Tom Rooker serves as St. Croix Catholic School's Athletic Director. Mr. Rooker can be reached at [email protected] or 651-439-5581. St. Croix Catholic School offers student athletes a wide variety of team and individual sports opportunities. 
2024-2025 Summer Camp Registration is now open through May 30th!  Please note 10 players need to be registered to hold a camp session. Click on the following forms for details of the summer camps and to register by May 30th:

Through the Catholic Athletic Association (CAA), students in grades 5-8 may participate in: 

Soccer (fall)
Volleyball (fall)
Basketball (winter) 
Softball (spring)
Baseball (spring) 

Our Knights teams compete with other Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Many of our graduates fondly recall their first memories of playing on school sports teams.   

Families are informed of CAA sports opportunities through the school's weekly newsletter, the FYI, and are posted on this site. 
2024 Fall Sports Registration is now open!  Please note the respective registration deadline to a form team and register by the due date in August for soccer and volleyball.
The Valley Athletic Association (VAA) offers opportunities in a variety of sports for students in grades K-8. Additionally, student athletes in grades 6-8 may participate in sports offered by District #834 if the sport is not available through our CAA league.