Make the World a Little Brighter

As our families, community, nation, and world have faced unprecedented challenges over the last few months, many of us have probably had the thought, “If only I could do something.” Summer offers us the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, and perhaps a little more time to consider doing simple acts of kindness: bake and deliver goods for the elderly, pick up litter in our neighborhoods, write a letter of encouragement to healthcare workers, or commit to an hour of prayer in the adoration chapel. 
Who can deny it…children are beacons of light and joy! In fact, Jesus says, “the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Let’s share the LIGHT, SCCS! 
Summer offers us the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, and perhaps a little more time to consider doing simple acts of kindness: bake and deliver goods for the elderly, pick up litter in our neighborhoods, write a letter of encouragement to healthcare workers, or commit to an hour of prayer.
St. Croix Catholic School encourages all families to Share the Light of Christ and His message of hope through simple acts of kindness this summer – and then share them on your Instagram and Facebook pages with the hashtag #ShareTheLightSCCS and @stcroixcatholicschool, so that those, near and far, are also inspired to Share the Light. 
We are rays of His light, and collectively, we can make the world a little brighter.
Please join us!
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