SCCS Endowment Fund

Questions about our Endowment Fund may be directed to Nick Scovil, Director of Advancement, [email protected], or 651-439-5581 x310.
The St. Croix Catholic School Endowment Fund
Established in 2000, the SCCS Endowment Fund helps ensure that Catholic education in the St. Croix Valley not only survives - but thrives. Specifically, its goal is to create a perpetual source of income to help keep SCCS financially sound. Because an endowment fund offers a permanent source of income, it¹s a smart, fiscally responsible funding strategy.
What is an Endowment fund?
An endowment fund is a fund comprised of gifts (cash, stock, etc.) that when invested provide income in support of a designated purpose ... forever! Only the investment earnings from an endowment fund are used. The fund's principal asset base (the total of all contributions) remains intact and grows through sound investment and additional gifts.
A Balanced, Long-Term Investment Approach
The Endowment Fund is managed by investment professionals at the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) under the supervision of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. For more information about CCF, please visit:
Thank you for being a part of the SCCS Family!