
St. Croix Catholic School welcomes the participation of parents, grandparents, and parish members in classroom and special activities. 
Many classrooms welcome the talents of volunteers as classroom assistants. Our volunteers might be found making copies, putting up bulletin boards, checking out library books, reading or playing math games with small groups of children or even teaching a special activity for the whole class. These volunteers support the teachers in many ways.
Volunteers can also choose to help by fundraising, coaching sports teams, serving lunches, supervising children on field trips, in the lunchroom or on the playground, assisting with school pictures or hearing and vision screening.
For the most up-to-date volunteer opportunities, please login to  http://STCCS.onvolunteers.com

Please remember that any volunteers who interact with our children must complete the Essential 3. All three of these requirements will need to be updated/re-credentialed every three years that you are volunteering.


  • Background Check
  • Code of Conduct
  • Safe Environment Training


To ensure completion of the requirements before volunteering, or to confirm your status, contact Angela Statz: 651-439-5581 or log into your Virtus account


Additional resources, including details on how to report suspected child abuse and resources for Victim Assistance, are available from the Archdiocese.


The archdiocese provided these resource guides for parents to keep their account active every 3 years by re-credentialling or to register a new Virtus account if a parent never completed Essential 3 to volunteer at the school.