Boy Scouts
In Cub Scout Pack 132 (K-5th grade) and Boy Scout Troop 132 (6th grade – age 18) we focus on faith, family and adventure. Chartered by the Church of St. Michael, we help boys mature in faith, foster citizenship, develop character and build leadership skills by serving our church, our larger community and our country. As a Catholic pack and troop, “duty to God” is essential and is at the heart of our scout program. We begin and close all of our meetings with prayer, help the boys earn their religious emblems and attend Mass together at campouts. Camping and hiking adventures are regular activities throughout the year. Cubs host monthly Pack meetings designed for families where we bring in entertaining and educational speakers to encourage curiosity, a love for nature, science and more. At Den meetings, scouts hone in on learning basic skills and safety from cooking to fishing. Older scouts meet several times a month including almost monthly camping trips. Boys take on leadership roles within the Troop, have opportunities to learn skills through hundreds of merit badge opportunities and boys have opportunities to attend “high adventure” camping programs located throughout the United States every year. To date, Troop 132 boasts over 100 Eagle scouts.
We want our scouts to explore, prove their self-reliance in the outdoors and tackle fun, demanding projects in the context of faith-filled leadership. We encourage parent involvement in both Cubs and the Troop. We believe that scouting is for families and the time you invest in your son today will make a big difference in the person he becomes tomorrow.