Extracurriculars Activities

Additional Enrichment Activities: While we aim to offer the following enrichment opportunities on a yearly basis, formation is dependent on volunteer leaders.
  • STEM Challenge Team (LEGO League) 6th-8th Grade
  • Chess Club 5th-8th Grade
  • Jr. Chess & Game Club 2nd-5th Grade
  • Little Flowers Girls Club K-5th Grade
  • Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts (offered through Troop #132, sponsored by St. Michael's and St. Mary's parishes)
  • Performing Arts 
  • Junior Great Books 
Middle School-Specific Opportunities: We are grateful to our Middle School teachers who coordinate the following enrichment opportunities for our young leaders.
  • Student Council
  • National Junior Honor Society

Extracurricular Activity: Extracurricular activities are organized activities outside of the normal classroom day and not graded and are offered by the school in which participants pay a “fee” directly to the school. Although not graded, students may receive extra credit in some cases. Examples are band, orchestra, SCCS athletics, Chess Club, STEM Challenge Team (Lego League), and Little Flowers.   


Enrichment Activity: Enrichment activities are organized activities outside of the normal classroom day and not graded and are offered by or in conjunction with an outside instructor/organization on behalf of the school in which participants pay a “fee” to the church, parish, or private business/instructor. Although not graded, students may receive extra credit in some cases. Examples are some individual instrument/voice lessons, Spanish Club, scouts, Chorus Angelorum, and Folk Dancing.


All extracurricular and enrichment activities must adhere to the SCCS Mission Statement and exemplify mission integrity, academic integrity, and success.


Mission Integrity: Is the club mission consistent with the mission statement of SCCS in fostering life-long learners and students with integrity and respect?


Academic Integrity: Is the club living up to the academic standards of SCCS, fostering critical thinking via a new worthwhile activity, and enhancing overall learning for students?


Success: Is the club living up to its goals especially in regards to promoting adequate participation, promoting a quiet and respectful learning environment, promoting a positive image of SCCS to families and prospective students, and achieving the stated objectives of the club?