Get Your Gift Matched!

Many local and global places of employment will double employees' and/or retirees' donations made in support of nonprofits and schools. Employees often overlook this benefit.  PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK WITH YOUR EMPLOYER. This is FREE money - and it often goes unused.
Be sure to also ask about getting $$ matched for your volunteer time. Often called "Dollars for Doers" (or similar), these programs are a great way for you to contribute to our school without spending a dime!
The best way to find out if your place of employment offers Gift Matching for Donations or Volunteer Time is to ask your Human Resources Department. 
Here are just a few of the programs we are aware of:
St. Croix Catholic is a 501 (c) (3) with Federal Tax ID#41-1731931. We accept gift matching for any donation - Service Marathon, Tech Fund, Tuition Assistance program, Endowment Fund or just a general gift to the school. Thank you for taking the time to look into this!  Contact Maggie Schwartz with questions: [email protected].